Mr. Marascio Gregorino


Everything began at the beginning of 2000 when Marascio Gregorino, the founder of the firm, interrupted the career of importer of beer, this career permitted him to have contacts with different international markets, so he started to elaborate the idea to create a drink that had a strong personality thanks to the taste unique such to be without equal over the market.


His idea found support over the memories of his infancy and his adolescence in his native country Montauro (CZ-Italy), thanks to which he started to improvise different mixtures and different attempts without however to reach the product that he so much looked for.


Only in 2003 it started to have small satisfactions, even if he totally anchors not convinced and praised by that result, so in the following year definite to submit the prototype to a survey in the city of Tallinn (Estonia) where it aroused success, encouraged by the found appreciations it hocked him to the development of the product and to a further improvement owed to the so many attempts.


In 2005 Mr. Marascio continued his trip in Europe of the east, precisely in Bulgaria, where a lot of factories found interesting the product.


So, it’s in this way that began the true story of Montauro.


 In 2006 the definitive product was gotten thanks to the use of appreciated products and thanks to the nature of Gregorino Marascio that point always to the perfection. It was born so the product Montauro.


 Today, together with the assembled Montauro, mr. Marascio Gregorino it boasts other products of good quality what Coffee, Cola, Orange, Lemon, Cocktail, Gassosa, Chinotto, Tea and Peach Tea.


 Mr. Marascio deals him with the management of the processes of production and distribution of the semi-finished ones. Mr. Marascio Gregorino has constituted a society in Bulgaria, precisely to Sofia, called Marascio OOD.